Monday, March 2, 2009

Click those Sticks!

Well there has been a lot going on at Knit This, Purl That! You have got to get in and see all the new items that have come in, as well as check out the calendar for the new classes. Deborah has a great class with the “Knit One Below” scarf. Once you start this technique it is so much fun you will want to make several! We have the great “Bunny” class coming up with Kristina and it will be a super fun class to learn some toy making techniques in. come and let your “inner child” play.

The “Houdini” sock class with Jan went great and everyone is working away ready for the next class where we will attack those socks with scissors! It promises to be a magical time.

I know that some of you had the opportunity to attend “Stitches West 2009” this past weekend at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Make sure you come by the shop and share with us what you learned or all about the things you saw especially if it is something that you think would be fun for us to carry in the shop. Remember that we can also do special orders for you and get items that you might have seen that we don’t carry all the time. Sometimes they might be unavailable for us to order but we would love to help you out if we can. We always love to hear about the things our customers have learned and see things you are working on!

Make sure you stop in and take a look at the new “Claudia’s” handpainted yarns that have come in, there are some wonderful colors and I can’t wait to work with some of the new Linen. It is just the thing to make some shell tops for the summer with! So get your 2 sticks out and get them clickin!

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